10 Smartest Characters In Star Trek

4. Spock

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Like Janeway, Spock's intellect came at something of a cost to his status as an empathetic character and unlike Guinan, he ranks at close to zero for emotional intelligence a lot of the time. That said, he is part human and that fallibility does creep in occasionally when his passions override the Vulcan in him.

The true mark of Spock's genius was his ability overcome the warring conflict within him of passion over logic. He was, essentially, a personification of the human condition (despite not being one fully) and far more perfect than some of the more passionate but misguided characters who operated around him.

Spock may have been aloof, but his intelligence made him a fan favourite - he was like having a special weapon as part of the Enterprise crew who could seemingly cut through all nonsense because of his fundamental sense of logic. Even if a problem posed a seemingly unfathomable question, he'd invariably get there in the end.

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