10 'So Bad It's Good' Classic Doctor Who Stories

2. Paradise Towers - 1987

Doctor Who Sylvester McCoy Seventh Doctor Paradise Towers
BBC Studios

The premise of this one at least sounds gritty and interesting, featuring a mostly deserted futuristic tower block with killer robots on the loose. Sadly though, 1987's Paradise Towers takes this premise and turns it into the second-most nonsensical serial in the show's history.

Paradise Towers suffers heavily from all the tropes of late 1980s Doctor Who. While the Doctor tackles the evil caretakers of the tower block, companion Mel heads to one of the upper floors, and in one of the cringiest cliffhangers in the show's history, is eaten alive by two old ladies.

Just before being consumed and after almost shattering the tower block windows with some ear-piercing screams, Mel escapes and heads for the top of the tower. Once at the tower's pool, we are shown the crab-like pool monster lurking in the water, which attacks Mel.

The serial concludes in a fight between the caretakers and residents before the Doctor once again saves the day, but not without providing us with one of the most memorable stories - for all the wrong reasons - along the way.

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