10 Songs Forever Ruined By TV Shows

5. Supernatural

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NctuEE3JQcg Song: Asia's Heat of the Moment It's a bright Tuesday morning, and as you rise from bed the radio begins to play Asia's Heat of the Moment. Most people will casually ignore this and go about their day, albeit with the earworm song fading in and out through their workday. In the case of devoted fans of the show Supernatural, panic will set in with the side effect of the hearer looking desperately for any indication of how they might tragically die. Featured in the Season 3 episode Mystery Spot, Heat of the Moment is used as an indicator that despite his best efforts, Sam Winchester has been trapped in a series of infinite Tuesdays. This is not unlike a hell-based Groundhog Day, but with more breakfast sausage and piano droppings. A day that repeats itself, much like the chorus of Heat of the Moment, is made more difficult by the fact that Sam€™s brother is being constantly killed by unpredictable events on this series of infinite Tuesdays. As it always should have been, the song Heat of the Moment goes from being an annoying 1980's chart topper to a serious indicator that something is very wrong with the world. Get out while you can, but make sure to leave Asia€™s Heat of the Moment behind. This one has been on repeat for too long.

Victoria Irwin is the Senior Correspondent and Resident Whovian for Fanboynation.com. She also contributes heavily to GamingIllustrated.com and enjoys video games, comics and more Doctor Who than is healthy.