10 Songs Forever Ruined By TV Shows

6. Breaking Bad

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiY0hZ5YKPY#t=95 Song: Badfinger's Baby Blue If you've been living under a massive boulder for the past year, or just haven't caught up watching Breaking Bad in your Netflix queue, you should probably skip this page and move onto the next listing because spoilers are about to bubble up like pure Crystal Meth. Walter White faces his end, knowing that what started as a way to pay for cancer treatments has turned him into a person he never though he was capable of becoming. Wandering through his highly scientific workshop (aka meth lab), he spends time with each of his precious machines, thinking about all the times he's made blue crystal and wondering how he's gone so far away from his original goals. Red and blue lights of speeding police vehicles flash angrily in the distance and with a thick streak of blood and a final reflection, Walter White falls to the floor to the sounds of Badfinger's song Baby Blue. Few things are more depressing than picturing Walter White bleeding out to this song, unless of course it was done to a Sia song. Runner up for songs that Breaking Bad has changed forever was the song Crystal Blue Persuasion, which was used earlier in the series as an obvious choice for White's famous blue-coloured Meth.

Victoria Irwin is the Senior Correspondent and Resident Whovian for Fanboynation.com. She also contributes heavily to GamingIllustrated.com and enjoys video games, comics and more Doctor Who than is healthy.