10 Star Trek Actors Who Died In 2020

5. James Otis

Ben Cross Star Trek

James Otis appeared in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as Sobor, the assistant to Louise Fletcher's Kai Winn. He was originally conceived as a one-off character, appearing in 'Til Death Do Us Part. However, the producers enjoyed his performance so much that he was brought back for two more episodes - Strange Bedfellows and The Changing Face Of Evil. He also appeared as a Pah-Wraith in the latter two episodes.

While meeting Kai Winn might not have worked out so well for him, he had previously worked with Louise Fletcher in an episode of Profiler, with the episode being called Victim of Victims. There, he played Conor Drake, the son of a serial killer, while Fletcher appeared as the mother of another serial killer.

He appeared in Christopher Nolan's film The Prestige, while also appearing in The X-Files, ER and Supernatural. His distinctive voice would appear in several audio dramas, written by Peabody-winner Yuri Rasovsky.

He passed away on 3rd March 2020, following a short illness, at the age of 71.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick