10 Star Trek Actors Who Died In 2020

4. Marj Dusay

Ben Cross Star Trek

Marj Dusay guest starred in what is possibly the infamous episode of Star Trek ever created. That episode, of course, is Spock's Brain. While it was never the best written episode, nor even the most enjoyable, Dusay garnered much fame from her role as the alien Kara, where she delivered one of the greatest lines in television history:

Brain and brain - what is Brain?!

Thanks to her role on this episode, she often appeared at many fan conventions, where she would get a great laugh out of audiences by delivering that line. The episode, having done down in history, had ensured a notoriety as her career went on.

However, her career was by no means restricted to this. She had appeared alongside Elvis Presley in 1967, with a guest appearance on Hawaii-5-0 in 1968. She played Jean MacArthur, wife of Douglas MacArthur, in the 1977 film MacArthur.

She enjoyed much popularity in soap operas as well, with roles on All My Children and Guiding Light. She married twice and had two children. She also sponsored a charity Golf Tournament for the Kansas Child Abuse Prevention Centers and for establishing a statewide hotline.

She died on 28th January 2020. She was 83 years old.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick