10 Star Trek Actors Who Lent Their Voices To Family Guy

6. Scott Bakula

Family Guy TNG

A prime example of a cameo you'd miss if you blinked, but one that makes the episode all the funnier for it.

In 'Burning Down The Bayit', Peter, Quagmire and Mort Goldman burn down the latter's pharmacy for the insurance money. They think they've got away with it until Joe discovers evidence of foul play and begins to look into the incident further.

Quagmire is the most concerned, feeling extremely guilty for his part in the arson and terrified that Joe will catch up to them. In his hysteria, he confesses to the guys that he felt he was looking at a man he'd never seen before when he looked in the mirror that morning.

The scene then transitions to a cutaway showing a bedraggled Quagmire in front of his bathroom mirror, and, staring back at him in full live-action, his 'reflection' simply says, "Hi. Scott Bakula."

While the gag is a reference to his lead role in Quantum Leap, Bakula is also the main character of Star Trek: Enterprise, playing Captain Jonathan Archer for its entire four-year run. The brevity of his appearance is what makes this scene so memorable, and the juxtaposition of live action and animation really draws attention to his three-second presence.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.