10 Star Trek Behind The Scenes Horror Stories

6. Terry Farrell vs Rick Berman

star trek enterprise
CBS Media Ventures

These days it is widely known that Farrell's departure from Deep Space Nine was not a pleasant one. She remains the only Star Trek character to have been killed on-screen and not return in some capacity. Several reasons were given for this, including the rumour that she refused her permission for using her likeness in the What You Leave Behind montage, which she has since refuted.

Farrell alleges that Rick Berman made life incredibly difficult for her during negotiations for the seventh season. She came to him with the request to reduce the number of episodes that she appeared in and to change her status from the main cast to recurring. This was flatly rejected before hostile talks began.

Farrell describes, in Mark A. Altman's in-depth behind the scenes work, The Fifty-Year Mission: The Next Twenty Five Years, incidents where Berman would call her in her trailer mere minutes before she was due to film a scene, demanding to know if she had made up her mind about the following year.

In the end, she opted out of the seventh season, switching over to Becker instead. She appeared in the DS9 documentary, What We Left Behind, where she addressed her frustration at how events unfolded.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick