10 Star Trek Behind The Scenes Horror Stories

5. Behind The Scenes On Star Trek: Discovery

star trek enterprise
David Shankbone via Wiki Commons

The stories behind the scenes on Star Trek: Discovery's first two seasons could fill a list on their own. Bryan Fuller was hired to develop the show before being fired before the first season was released. While Alex Kurtzman was involved from the beginner, Arron Harberts and Gretchen Berg were hired as showrunners through the second season.

They were summarily dismissed once reports of abusive behaviour reached the producers before Kurtzman and Michelle Paradise then took over as showrunners going into the third season. They hired author Walter Mosley for the writers' room. Three weeks later, he was called into an HR meeting.

He had been reported for using the N-word during a writers' session. He replied that he 'was the N-word in the room' and that he had been relating a story which included the word. He was informed that while no action was being brought against him, this would usually be grounds for instant dismissal.

He penned an op-ed about the incident, citing his reason for quitting the show immediately as a fear of censorship and dissatisfaction that he would be able to tell any real stories without having to have every word scrutinized. In less than three years, Discovery burned through three showrunners and garnered stories of ill-will. Those online commenters who sought every opportunity to berate the show seized on each example.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick