10 Star Trek Characters Who Came Back From The Dead

8. Doctor Culber

Star Trek Lower Decks Shax
CBS Media Ventures

Have you ever been on a night out and then someone snaps your neck, killing you instantly, before turning up in a strange mycelial network? No? Just me? Ok then.

Well, it isn't just me, because that's exactly what happened to Dr. Hugh Culber over the first and second seasons of Star Trek: Discovery. He was unceremoniously bumped off by Ash/Voq, which led to immediate fan backlash. *deep sigh* So, the new Star Trek is doing 'bury your gays'? Groundbreaking.

However, there was a twist. Culber wasn't as gone as people feared, which was something that the producers and Wilson Cruz got out ahead of, assuring audiences that Culber's death was really just a beginning for him. 

His next state of being involved a lot of mushrooms, some very trippy light shows, and a handy transporter. Culber was back, but he came back with baggage. After all, how are you supposed to react when you see the face of the man who killed you? Frankly, I think Culber was rather chill about it all - fistfights notwithstanding.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick