10 Star Trek Characters Who Came Back From The Dead

7. Elnor

Star Trek Lower Decks Shax
CBS Media Ventures

There, but for the grace of Q...

As Star Trek: Picard entered its second season, alternate timelines were the topic of the day, with the crew of La Sirena finding themselves transported into a darker version of reality. Picard was a general, Seven was President, and Elnor was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He ended up on the business end of a disruptor and that, frankly, was that.

In the season finale, Q, in an act of last-minute kindness, transported the crew back to the normal universe again, including a little extra gift. Facing a galactic event that required an entire fleet to combine its shields, the Stargazer detected that the Excelsior was struggling to keep up. Hailing them, a very surprised, but very alive, Elnor answered them. 

Q had brought the young Romulan back from the beyond, leaving the man none the worse for his experience. As Elnor was entirely absent from the third season of the show, one presumes he was spending time meditating on the nature of life, death, and rebirth. 

Choose to live.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick