10 Star Trek Characters Who Need To Be Redeemed
4. Cal Hudson

Calvin Hudson was an Academy friend of Ben Sisko's, also a commander, on assignment to the demilitarized zone in the years leading up to the outbreak of war with the Cardassians. Like many other veterans of the Cardassian wars, he never trusted those foes again, eventually joining the Maquis to fight them.
Hudson is a little different from Michael Eddington, who would also betray his uniform and go on to lead the Maquis, as his path to fighting is clearly forged in bloodshed. Living with the colonists day in, day out he has to watch the difficulties that the treaty has put them under. While there are several Admiral's in Starfleet who adopt a 'well, tough luck' stance, Hudson and several others besides begin to act on their feelings.
While he has no qualms about attacking Cardassians, he has no wish to hurt any Starfleet officers. He stops short of attacking Sisko, though is happy enough to stun him to allow his escape. He receives the indignity of an off-screen death, which precludes the notion of ever giving him a proper redemption. However, out of almost everyone on this list, Hudson's motivations were the most understandable, with his 'betrayal' nowhere near as painful as some of the rest.