10 Star Trek Characters Who Need To Be Redeemed

3. Kes

Ro Phaser Star Trek

Kes was the Ocampa member of Voyager's crew who suffered mostly from behind-the-scenes issues. The writers had, by the end of the third season, run out of things to do with her. Therefore, she evolved into a higher being and was sent on her merry way, with barely a word said about it for years afterwards. She was however seemingly ecstatic with the changes that she was going through.

Flash forward to the sixth season episode Fury. Suddenly, Kes is a vengeful being full of rage, intent on destroying Voyager while saving herself in the past. Almost nothing is explained about her time away from the ship, making her wrathful return completely out of left field. The Kes of the first three seasons wouldn't hurt a fly. This Kes would annihliate the swarm.

This entry is more about fully exploring what drove Kes to act the way that she did, as this sudden and rapid change in character was jarring. Indeed Fury regularly turns up toward the bottom of many rankings, not because it's a bad episode but because it's a sequel to a story the audience never got to see. Either it needs to be stricken from history, or Kes needs to be better explored to explain this direction.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick