10 Star Trek Episodes That Deserved To Become Classics (But Didn't)

5. Acquisition

Combs Tpol nerve pinch acquisition star trek enterprise

To be completely transparent, this episode is not just on this list because of Trip's jaunt through the ship in his underwear, although it does play a part. The truth is - this episode is a lot of fun, gives the main cast a chance to step out of their somewhat rigid early roles, and brings Jeffrey Combs, Ethan Philips, and Clint Howard back to the franchise.

Some of the best episodes are the ones that are designed not to carry any massive meanings - they simply exist to make people laugh. Deep Space Nine had begun to perfect the Ferengi comedy format before Profit And Lace was a swing-and-miss. The waters were tested in Voyager with False Profits, though it is Acquisition that truly sees the format succeed again.

Not only was this one of Enterprise's better debut-season episodes, but it wove the Ferengi into the series without breaking any canon rules - always a challenge for a prequel. The interplay between the marauders is well-handled, with Jolene Blalock getting to stretch her comedy chops as well.

Simply put - Acquisition brought the slapstick comedy back to Trek, even if it would be a while again before the genre returned.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick