10 Star Trek Episodes That Deserved To Become Classics (But Didn't)

4. Dead Stop

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Enterprise's first and second seasons, like many of Star Trek's early outings, suffered from the traditional struggles to find the right tone. As such, they tend to get a bit of a short straw when it comes to audience opinion, despite some stand-out stories. There are those episodes, like Cogenitor, Regeneration, Stigma, and Dear Doctor that have all seen much discussion, though Dead Stop seems to slip through most nets.

Arriving in the show's second season, it features a rest station that introduces the replicator to the series, along with the voice of Roxann Dawson. While the ship is undergoing repairs, there are sinister happenings afoot, with Mayweather finding out the hard way that there's more to the place than meets the eye.

The episode is an excellent example of a wolf in sheep's clothing, with a fantastically tense rush to the finish. The closing shot of the station beginning to repair itself is enough to turn any stomach.

Written by Mike Sussman and Phyllis Strong, and directed by Dawson, this episode tends to be forgotten amid the rest of the season, though it has far more going for it than first glance may suggest.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick