10 Star Trek Episodes With The Highest Stakes

4. Supernova

Star Trek Picard Enterprise D Jupiter
CBS Media Ventures

The Living Construct is one of the more insidious creations in the franchise's history. The idea is simple - create a weapon that, rather than destroying planets with sustained fire, or warping transporters into alcoves, turns each and every Starfleet vessel into their own worst enemies. The Vau Na'kat, in doing so, brought the wolves right to the door in Supernova.

While Dal, Gwyn, and the crew of the Protostar just wanted to find Starfleet, they also carried with them the means of Starfleet's annihilation. Once the Protostar made contact with another ship, the Living Construct would activate, transferring its deadly virus into the next vessel, and the next, until the fleet tore itself apart.

In Supernova, this very nearly came to pass. Ships like the Defiant, the Sovereign, the Centaur and (depending on who you ask) the Enterprise-E were all infected, immediately turning their quantum torpedoes and phaser fire on each other. Though often unsaid, Starfleet vessels contain deadly weapons of destruction. When used against one another, this spells doom for the crews aboard.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick