10 Star Trek Episodes With The Highest Stakes

3. Ouroboros

Star Trek Picard Enterprise D Jupiter
CBS Media Ventures

Star Trek: Prodigy, when announced, came under fire for being 'a kids' show'. How the writers must have hid their grins behind their hands when people assumed this, knowing what was coming. A kids' show, you say? Would you like some galactic levels of death and destruction with that happy meal?

The first season gave audiences the Living Construct, while the second season gave us the Loom. These villains were simple creatures that travelled through time and space, feeding on the energy left by temporal cracks. Oh, and did we mention that if they catch you, they erase you from history? 

They. Erase. You. From. History.

Everything you ever were, or ever could be, is vaporised. No one remembers you, as you never were. If that isn't terrifying, we don't know what is. The only way to make it worse would be to deliver an entire army of these nasties upon the universe, which is exactly what happened in Ouroboros, Pt 2. Though Wesley Crusher was able to help the crews of the Protostar and the Voyager-A beat them back, they managed to inflict devastating levels of damage on time. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick