10 Star Trek TV Shows And Movies Currently In The Works

The future of Star Trek looks bright as we enter Strange New Worlds and possibly a Tarantino movie!

Star Trek Strange New Worlds

For many fans of Star Trek, the opening two decades of the 21st Century felt like a barren and desolate wasteland. Despite four popular TV shows and a short run of big-budget action movies, 2002's Star Trek: Nemesis felt like the beginning of the end for the franchise; with Enterprise's cancellation three years later the proverbial nail the ceremonial photon torpedo.

Flash forward to 2021 though and after a divisive but successful revival in the shape of Discovery, as well as the Aggressively-OK J.J. Abrams reboots, Star Trek fans stand on the cusp of a genuine boom-era. Recent projects are all getting greenlit for more adventures, and networks seem to be falling over themselves to cash in on their popularity. This year alone could see as many as five Trek shows releasing new episodes.

But it's not just on TV that the action is happening, with five years passing since the last big-screen adventure, Hollywood's wheels are also in motion to bring some sort of Star Trek project kicking and screaming into (home) cinemas. Quite what shape that'll take is still a mystery, so let's look at everything that could come to life in the near future.

9. Discovery Season Four

Star Trek Strange New Worlds

Discovery's producers confirmed a fourth season during filming on the third season. Doug Jones openly stated on Twitter that he was filming, setting fans' fears to rest that he had exited the show at the end of That Hope Is You, Part 2. Filming was slated to run from June 2020 to January 2021, but the COVID pandemic delayed all shoots.

The cast and crew traveled to Toronto 14 days early to self-isolate, then began working in pods to control the spread of the virus. Jones confirmed that testing occurs three times a week. Returning stars include the main cast, along with David Ajala, Blu del Barrio, Ian Alexander, David Cronenberg and Oded Fehr. Kurtzman also confirmed that the show's timeline will remain in the 32nd century going forward.

Tig Notaro elected not to travel to Toronto amid concerns over COVID, but is open to filming later in the block. Production is now due to wrap in June 2021. Michelle Paradise spoke about the need to continued representation in the series, speaking particularly about Burnham taking the Captain's Chair and the family unit of Stamets, Culber, Adira and Gray. She also confirmed that the promise of Gray being seen by others will be followed up on in season four.

Finally, Alex Kurtzman detailed the season's main villain. He said that it will be a scientific phenomenon, rather than a person or race. What exactly this means is anyone's guess but Kurtzman is one of the men who blew up the Romulan Sun, so anything is possible.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick