10 Star Trek Twists That The Actors Hated

2. Icheb's Fate - Manu Intiraymi

Star Trek Jadzia Dax

In Star Trek: Picard, Icheb, the former Borg drone who was liberated from the Collective in Star Trek: Voyager, makes a surprise appearance in the episode Stardust City Rag. He is shown being harvested for parts, tortured, and, in a shocking move, euthanized by Seven of Nine. The actor playing him for this scene is Casey King, who was notably not the originator of the role.

Manu Intirayami played Icheb on Voyager, appearing in much of the sixth and seventh seasons. On returning to the Alpha Quadrant, he enlisted in Starfleet properly, though Intiraymi was not seen again after Endgame. This stemmed largely from some well-publicized personal issues, which led to the actor not being considered for the part in Picard.

Intiraymi was publically dismayed at both not being asked to reprise the role, and the decision to kill the character off in such a brutal fashion. Though it had been almost twenty years since last playing the part, he had remained active in fan productions where he portrayed Icheb again. He said on his Twitter account that he was devastated with the decision, believing it to be the wrong course of action on the writers' part.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick