10 Star Trek Twists That The Actors Hated

1. Jadzia Dies - Terry Farrell

Star Trek Jadzia Dax
CBS Media Ventures

Jadzia Dax was one of the central characters of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine for six of its seven-season run, appearing in almost every episode along the way. This exhausted Terry Farrell who, by the sixth season, was ready to start reducing her workload while also looking for other projects to take on. According to Farrell, the one person who truly took issue with this was executive producer Rick Berman.

She approached him and asked to be reduced to a recurring role, still remaining with the show without necessarily having to appear in every episode. He flatly refused, stating that it was all or nothing for her, going into the next season. He then gave her time to think about it, while also hounding her with calls just before some scenes were due to be filmed.

Farrell opted to leave, though she hadn't planned on the character being killed off. In Tears Of The Prophets, a possessed Gul Dukat beams into the Bajoran Shrine and murders her. Not only was it a sudden and deeply unsatisfying death but also the very fact that she was on the station was contrived. This was one of the very few times she didn't pilot the Defiant into battle, simply so that she could be axed.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick