10 Stargate Storylines That Were Never Resolved

5. There Are Five ZPMs In The Pegasus Galaxy

Stargate Universe

In Stargate Atlantis's first season episode Before I Sleep, a terrific alternate history version of the show is offered. An ancient Dr. Weir, kept alive for 10,000 years thanks to a Lantean stasis chamber, wakes and begins to tell her story.

From an alternate timeline, she arrived with the rest of the Atlantis expedition, only to discover that the city was failing and the ocean rushed in to drown most of the arrivals. She, Shepard and Dr. Lee escaped on a puddle jumper, only to be shot down by a Wraith Dart. The only survivor, she found herself sent back in time, befriending the Lantean scientist, Janus.

While this time travel ends up saving the lives of the Prime Atlantis expedition, as Weir is able to convince Janus to install a failsafe mechanism to save the city once the shield fails, it also reveals the location of five Zero Point Modules in the Pegasus galaxy. Old Weir gives the location of these ultimate power units to our team and, after one expedition - nothing.

There were three other ZPM's in the galaxy that they never even attempt to find, which is a baffling decision considering how important they are for running and protecting the city!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick