10 Strangest Ever Doctor Who Villains

3. The Toclafane

Appearing towards the end of season three in €˜The Sound Of Drums€™, the Toclafane are another race that€™s supposedly the culmination of humanity itself, which doesn€™t bode well for the species, really. Cyborgs even more grotesque than the Daleks, the Toclafane were severed human heads encased in flying metal spheres covered in extendable spikes and blades with lasers capable of disintegrating people into tiny clumps of ash. The result of cannibalising their own bodies, the future humans had regressed to a weird, amoral, childlike hive mind, seeing nothing wrong with the murder of individuals. Through complex €˜timey-wimey€™ shenanigans that would take too long to repeat here (and probably still make little sense), the Master manages to allow the future of the human race to conquer their own ancestors, billions of the little flying horrors appearing all over the Earth. The Master is eventually taken down of course, and the Toclafane (named for a Gallifreyan boogeyman) returned to the end of the universe. So, what could be stranger than severed human heads flying around and speaking in the voices of mad children? Well€
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.