10 Strongest Female Doctor Who Characters

2. Donna Noble

Even though her eventual title of €œmost important woman in the whole of creation€ may be overdoing it a bit, Donna is without doubt the strongest female character of the Russell T. Davies years. Although she started out as a bit rough around the edges, Catherine Tate€™s eagerness to return for Series 4 enabled Davies and the other writers to really flesh her out and make her an incredibly strong character. Despite her disastrous engagement, the death of her father, and her mother€™s constant criticism hugely damaging her self-esteem; once she starts travelling with the Doctor she grows colossally as a person and becomes incredibly important to him. It takes a very strong type of person to willingly share the responsibility for destroying an entire city, try to take up arms and attempt to wipe out an entire species, and even commit suicide with no guarantee of survival in order to put the universe to rights. Donna easily has the most growth of all New Who companions and becomes the perfect example of the good that travelling with the Doctor can do to a person. Despite all of the progress she makes as a character being effectively erased to save her life, she remains an incredibly strong character both in her own right and when compared to others.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.