10 Television Character Pairs Who Need To Meet Each Other

2. Joey Tribbiani (Friends) & Barney Stinson (How I Met Your Mother)

joeybarney"How you doin'?" Who wouldn't want to see two of TV's biggest womanisers meet? Well, apart from women, obviously. Indeed, it would make for a hugely entertaining spectacle to see Joey and Barney meet up. In fact it would be legen... wait for it... dary! No woman would be safe if these two went out on the town together. They could either pool their resources and be a formidable pulling team or they could compete against each other, which would probably be ten times worse. There's not much more to say about this one. With the final season of How I Met Your Mother fast approaching, CBS should do all they can to get Matt LeBlanc on board for crossover of epic proportions!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.