10 Terrifying Supernatural Monsters That Kept You Up At Night

7. Pishtaco

Pishtaco Supernatural
The CW

Drawing comparisons to vampires, the Pishtaco is a different entity all to itself. Appearing in the 9th season of the show, Sam and Dean had to deal with a Pishtaco at a spa, after some unusual deaths where the victims were hundreds of pounds lighter... after their death.

Upon investigating, the brothers discover that the Pishtaco was draining human beings of their fat as food. Yep, grim.

The design of the creature is what makes it one of the more terrifying creatures in the Supernatural universe as it takes the form of a human (hence the comparison to vampires).

However, when it comes to the creature feeding, the eyes roll back into the head and the Pishtaco reveals that it has an appendage inside its mouth used for sucking fat from humans. While not the most scary in terms of its motivations as Pishtacos don't always kill their prey, it is one of the more sinister looking monsters that the Winchester Brothers have had to deal with.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.