10 The Big Bang Theory Fan Theories That Will Blow Your Mind

7. Howard Created Bernadette As A Cyborg


Okay, so this one is a tad far-fetched, but listen. Despite everything he says, Howard has never quite been the ladies man he proclaims himself to be. It didn't stop him finding Bernadette, of course, but that's where things get interesting.

Howard is an aerospace engineer, and while he has flown up to space, not everything he's built has always been for the benefit of science. If you recall back to before Bernadette entered the picture, the Wolowitz son built a robotic arm that, while initially used to hand out food the gang had ordered, was then used by Howard in a sexual manner.

Who's to say he didn't then spend time creating a cyborg that turned out to be the love of his life?

For this to really make sense, you have to take into account that Howard had always had terrible luck when it came to finding the one, and additionally, Bernadette has displayed a few too many traits similar to Howard's mother. Perhaps Howard somehow found solace in having that screeching voice we've all grown to love also be the tone his wife speaks in.

Granted, how they grew to have two children of their own then comes into question, but that's a different story for a different day.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.