10 The Big Bang Theory Fan Theories That Will Blow Your Mind

3. Mrs. Wolowitz Was Never Actually Around


Howard's love of magic is a bit of a running gag throughout the show's history, seeing as he's not exactly the greatest at it. However, one aspect he may be incredible at is ventriloquism.

Reddit user Pick234 believes the engineer used the art form to bring his mother back to life in a way so as to not feel completely alone. Think about it - we never, ever saw Mrs. Wolowitz physically appear on-screen, but rather her screeching voice soaring down the hallways of the Wolowitz family home.

Furthermore, it does actually make sense why he would eventually decide to announce her 'death'. By that point, he had found Bernadette. On the outside, the sweetest little thing you'll ever meet, but once you get on her bad side, she too screeches just like Mrs. Wolowitz. Howard found comfort in Bernadette, and so he didn't need to continue acting as if his mother was still alive.

An extra tidbit to add on to this is that his friends likely knew he was pulling their leg the entire time, but went along with it for the sole purpose of helping Howard find that comfort he so desperately craved. You won't find many groups of television friends who'd do such a thing.


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