10 Things About Doctor Who That Need To Change

2. Earthbound

The Doctor has the ability to travel anywhere in time and space, a great gift to behold... so why does he always nd up in 21st century London, Earth for the majority of the series? The idea should be that the Doctor, if gaining a human, should only return to Earth for a maximum of three episodes as the whole concept of the show is to explore and educate, as previously stated. But the Doctor does appear to be Earthbound, regardless of the fact that planet Earth is his second home. There are other places to venture out into, you know. It's a waste of a legendary hero. Writers should appreciate that Doctor Who is a show without limits (if given a perfectly logical excuse), and the principal is that its title character is a hero with an ability beyond compare... yet it is not used as much as it should. He can go anywhere!
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Ben Jones is a Doctor Who contributor/writer for the website from Wrexham. Whenever he's not writing articles, he's either playing guitar or watching television. Maybe both.