10 Things Doctor Who REALLY Wants You To Forget

1. A Fix With Sontarans

Doctor Who Martha Jones Mickey Smith
BBC Studios

On paper, A Fix With Sontarans was a lovely, wholesome moment in the history of Doctor Who.

During the tumultuous times of the Colin Baker era, a young fan called Gareth Jenkins got to appear in a mini Doctor Who episode alongside the Sixth Doctor, and, erm... is that Tegan? Janet Fielding's hair in this really is a sight to behold.

The only problem is that Jenkins' Doctor Who role came courtesy of Jim'll Fix It, hosted by the monstrous Jimmy Savile. When Savile's extensive and horrific list of crimes finally came to light in the years after his death in 2011, it cast this wholesome piece of wish fulfillment in a very dark light indeed.

Savile only briefly appears in A Fix With Sontarans, but in light of the media storm around his crimes, the entire episode was removed from future pressings of The Two Doctors on DVD.

In 2022, the sketch was then heavily re-edited, removing any references to Jim'll Fix It and replacing Savile's face with CGI footage of Sontaran ships, salvaging Jenkins' childhood dream from the stain of its association with such a vile person.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.