10 Things Doctor Who REALLY Wants You To Forget

8. Terrible Telesnap Reconstructions

Doctor Who Martha Jones Mickey Smith
BBC Studios

In 2015, the Classic Doctor Who DVD range came to an inauspicious end with the release of The Underwater Menace. Collecting the two surviving episodes of the Patrick Troughton serial, the DVD was released four years after episode two was returned to the archives.

Four years, huh? That's probably enough time to put together an animated reconstruction of the missing two episodes, or at the very least, a solid telesnap reconstruction?

Well, apparently not.

Though work did begin on an animated reconstruction, these plans were abandoned at the last minute, which left fans with underwhelming telesnap reconstructions of episodes one and four instead.

These were essentially a montage of the existing telesnaps without any linking narration or subtitles to describe the action, making them quite hard to follow. Fans were understandably disappointed with such a lack of care.

The BBC clearly learned from its mistakes so that when The Underwater Menace finally received the full animated treatment in 2023, it was released alongside a brand-new telesnap reconstruction, complete with optional narration by Anneke Wills.

All of which rendered the disappointing 2015 effort obsolete.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.