10 Things Doctor Who REALLY Wants You To Forget

6. K9 Down Under

Doctor Who Martha Jones Mickey Smith
Network Ten

Doctor Who and Disney working together on Doctor Who is nothing new.

In 2010, Disney XD broadcast an Australian K9 series in the UK and across Europe. Overseen by K9's co-creator Bob Baker, the spinoff was somehow both official... and unofficial.

Bob Baker had the rights to the robot dog he had created, but he wasn't able to use anything from the wider Doctor Who universe. The spinoff got around this issue by revealing that K9's memory had been damaged, meaning that, conveniently, he couldn't remember anything from his past.

To further strengthen the links between Doctor Who without explicitly referencing canon, original K9 voice actor John Leeson was asked to reprise his role. Storylines involved K9 being framed for murder (yikes), K9 getting turned into a bomb, and K9 investigating an alien intelligence hiding in a junkyard.

But not that alien intelligence hiding in a junkyard.

The show ran for 26 episodes before it was quietly cancelled. It's notable that, despite the current Doctor Who Disney deal, K9 doesn't appear anywhere on the BBC iPlayer's Whoniverse collection, or Disney Plus. And it probably never will.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.