10 Things Doctor Who REALLY Wants You To Forget

3. Doctor In Distress

Doctor Who Martha Jones Mickey Smith

The 1985 charity single Doctor In Distress is largely seen as a mad, delusional oddity.

The single was designed to send a message to the BBC to save Doctor Who from its ongoing hiatus and inevitable cancellation, and it's largely attributed to record producer, fan, and future Facebook despot Ian Levine.

Regardless of whose idea this abomination originally was, it's Levine's lyrics and the singers that really let the whole thing down. With his job on the line, Colin Baker was very squeamish about literally singing for his supper, and it shows. The song failed to chart, and everyone has washed their hands of the whole sorry affair.

After all, there's a reason that Doctor In Distress appeared on a Channel 5 documentary rather than BBC4's more official effort during Doctor Who's 60th anniversary celebrations!

For his part, Levine has since reflected that the song was, "an absolute balls-up fiasco. It was pathetic and bad and stupid. It almost ruined me."

Don't hold back Ian, tell us how you really feel!

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.