10 Things Doctor Who REALLY Wants You To Forget

4. The New Dalek Paradigm

Doctor Who Martha Jones Mickey Smith
BBC Studios

Regardless of your feelings on the New Dalek Paradigm, Doctor Who really wants you to forget all about it.

So much so that they were swept under the rug after their first appearance, and aside from a few brief glimpses here and there, were never seen from again.

In 2015, then-showrunner Steven Moffat admitted that the new colourful design was a "mistake", saying that they just didn't look good on camera.

These Paradigm Daleks were supposedly promoted to being an officer class of Dalek after their debut in Victory of the Daleks, explaining their absence from future stories. But that's just a nice way of saying that they went down like a lead balloon, and everyone wanted rid of them.

Part of the problem was that the Bronze Time War Daleks introduced in 2005 were just so damn iconic by that point, and it was hard to picture the Daleks as anything else.

Doctor Who The Power of the Doctor Daleks
BBC Studios

It speaks volumes that the Bronze variant remains the main Dalek look to this day, while the multi-coloured Paradigm has been relegated to being a forgotten curio in the mists of Doctor Who history.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.