10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Game Of Thrones

2. Stannis Is Under The Control Of Melisandre


The portrayal of Stannis in Game of Thrones has become one of the most contentious points for book readers in the series. Book Stannis is something of a fan favourite, and much like Ned stood for honour, Stannis is the epitome of duty and doing the 'right' thing. In Game of Thrones, Stannis is rarely seen without Melisandre talking into his ear, influencing his decisions. This, combined with Melisandre's penchant for magic, has led many to believe that Stannis is actually just a puppet under complete control of the red priestess. This is absolutely not the case. During season 2, Stannis shows open defiance of Melisandre, choosing not to bring her to the Battle of Blackwater. For a short time afterwards though, during the aftermath of defeat, Stannis is a broken man, locking himself away from the world. With Melisandre as his only comfort during this period, he naturally becomes more susceptible to her counsel and commits questionable acts in the process. Fortunately, Davos, upon his reemergence, is able to bring Stannis back to his former self. There's no question that Melisandre, for better or worse, has a huge influence on Stannis. As it stands though, Melisandre and Stannis are just two powerful figures that use each other to progress a shared agenda. To suggest that he's mentally weak enough to be under her control, or that she's using magic to make him her puppet is completely unfounded.


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