They've done trees. They've done more than enough of them. One criticism from some Walking Dead fans is that there's a desperate need for a change in scenery. It's why Alexandria was such a welcome relief. The creators picked one location and have lots of stories sprouting from there rather than aimlessly wandering around the woodland waiting for somebody to get torn to pieces. With a city as sprawling and packed as Los Angeles, it's going to be a mighty task for anybody to escape with ease, but the issue doesn't need to be forced. With the walker outburst presumably beginning with a few cases, the characters could defend themselves from the start if there's too much of a panic to flee the city. From an entirely practical point of view as well, scenes like the one above are impossible outside of an urban environment. Rolling hills, sweeping plains and jagged forests look great for a while, but ultimately, there's not a lot of variation. If the creators stick to the urban jungle, they'll have a whole playground to work within.
What Culture contributor. NCTJ accredited Sports Journalist. Regret-filled Sunderland AFC season ticket holder. Optimism-filled NFL fan. Lover of all things Game Of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead & more.