10 Things You Need To Know About The Constantine Reboot

2. Expect Ghosts... And Lots Of Them

According to the leak, the pilot is brimming with possessions, ghosts and demons, though the story "does an adept job at not losing its audience in the mythology." We will learn all of that through Liv's eyes, as she also discovers a means to seeing ghosts and demons. If the hints are anything to go by, there will be an explosive opening featuring the demon that drags the 9-year-old girl (Astra) to hell leading to Constantine's break-down, and then the appearance of whatever demon brings Constantine back out of the hospital, which could well be the same demon that has marked Liv as its target. And then of course there's the introduction of Papa Midnite, who will either be linked to the same demon, or to a possession, since his status as a voodoo priest is going to play part in his characterisation. And finally there are Nergal and Rosacarnis, the demon enemies (one or both of which might be transposed to be the demons after Liv, or who dragged the girl to hell, and also the albino ghost, played by Sir Maejor (Need For Speed,) which seems to fit the packed bill.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.