10 Things Nobody Wants To Admit About Doctor Who
5. Anniversaries Don't NEED To Be Multi-Doctor Stories

The response towards Wild Blue Yonder from some corners of the fandom bordered on the unhinged. Yes, the production did itself no favours by making a big deal of the REDACTED cast members and trailers, and yes, with it being an anniversary special there was a certain degree of expectation.
But saying that Wild Blue Yonder isn't "special" because the Not-Things didn't take the form of Peter Capaldi or Matt Smith is utterly insane.
In fact, the idea that every big Doctor Who anniversary should be celebrated with a multi-Doctor story is also kinda weird. You have to keep innovating to keep the show, and its anniversary celebrations, fresh and exciting. The Five Doctors is a blast, but do we want that every ten years?
The Day of the Doctor wasn't special just because we got to see Matt Smith interact with David Tennant – it was special because we got Hollywood legend John Hurt as a secret incarnation of the Doctor! Similarly, the 60th anniversary episodes were special because they reunited one of the best-loved TARDIS teams for one final victory lap. For now.
Tennant and Tate practically doubled the show's ratings across the 60th, proving that these less obvious anniversary celebrations can be just as big a draw as sticking a bunch of past Doctors in a room together.