10 Things Nobody Wants To Admit About Doctor Who
4. Martha Jones Is RTD1's Best Companion

Of course Billie Piper deserves all the plaudits for her integral role in making Doctor Who an overnight smash. And sure, the chemistry between David Tennant and Catherine Tate is off the scale, making them the most watchable of partnerships in 2008 and 2023, respectively.
But if we're honest with ourselves, when it comes to the best Doctor Who companion of that era, it's Freema Agyeman as Martha Jones.
Look at everything the Tenth Doctor puts Martha through. He literally compares her to Rose while in bed together, forces her to live as a servant in a boy's school during a period that was less than progressive (to put it mildly), and eventually asks that she travels the world telling everyone how great he is!
Could Rose have handled her two series if she'd been constantly compared to Sarah Jane? She could barely last two minutes in School Reunion without throwing a strop! Could Donna Noble have wandered the Earth for a year, laying low under a period of fascist rule? Unlikely. Although that is hilarious to imagine.
Martha Jones is simply the most capable, dependable, and loyal companion of the RTD era. Both of them, in fact. There's been more clamouring for Martha to return in recent years than there has been for Rose or Donna, which tells you all you need to know.