10 Things RTD's Return WON'T Bring To Doctor Who

5. The Same Old Format

Doctor Who David Tennant

By the time of David Tennant's third series, the rigid format of the RTD years was beginning to feel staid - present day, past adventure, alien planet, space, celebrity historical. Both Steven Moffat and Chris Chibnall have experimented with moving the format on from this, but have both fallen back on it as a reliable template.

Will Russell T Davies do the same? It remains to be seen, as we've not even had his first episodes yet! However, on launching a new series he'll be looking to do something fresh. Possible 14th Doctor and actor in both Years and Years and It's A Sin, Lydia West has said she thinks Russell will bring "a modern twist" to the series. It's what he did when he brought it back in 2005, and a lot has changed in the interim 17 years.

Whatever this modern twist is, it's not going to be the format he perfected in his first era. His successor (and predecessor, how very Doctor Who!) Steven Moffat said that he's heard some of Russell's plans, stating that he wouldn't be doing this if he wasn't going to "scare the s**t out of you". Exciting!


Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.