10 Things RTD's Return WON'T Bring To Doctor Who

2. A Retconning of the Timeless Child

Doctor Who David Tennant
BBC Studios

Those furious fans who are outraged that the Doctor had the temerity to have a fictional life prior to being the actor William Hartnell are hopeful that the RTD2 era will retcon the past five years of mythology. Most notably, the reveal that the Doctor isn't actually a Gallifreyan but is instead a creature from another world in another universe.

As the man who blew up Gallifrey in a Time War to restore some mystery to the character, is it really likely that Russell T Davies will miss the opportunity to build on this new enigma? It all depends on what happens in Jodie Whittaker's final two stories of course, but the Timeless Child won't be retconned.

If anything, RTD will double down on it, pushing the show in new and interesting directions. The Doctor as an orphan without a past is as intriguing a protagonist as the damaged survivor of an intergalactic time war. The only way the Timeless Child would be forgotten about is so it can be put on the back burner as we get to know the Doctor's new companion. Rest assured, it will always be there.


Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.