10 Things RTD's Return WON'T Bring To Doctor Who

3. A White Male Doctor of a Certain Age

Doctor Who David Tennant

Some of the more vocal members of the Not My Doctor brigade were quick to praise the return of RTD as something akin to the second coming of Jesus Christ. He was coming back to save the show from the perceived sins of the Chibnall era! Except, he isn't. If anything, he's going to continue in striding forward. After all, he outlined his view of progressively more inclusionary portrayals of the Doctor in his Target novelisation of Rose.

The likelihood is that we'll have another female Doctor, as we should do. Such a seismic change requires sticking to your guns. If Jodie Whittaker regenerates into a man, it'll set back a lot of the work she's done to cement the idea in the public imagination. If she regenerates into someone like Lydia West, it's no big deal, and we can finally move on from the female Doctor debate.

If Russell T Davies does cast a man in the role, though, you can bet that we're not going back to having a white male Doctor of a certain age. It's one of many reasons that Omari Douglas is a more viable option for the 14th Doctor than their It's A Sin co-star Olly Alexander.


Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.