10 Things That Could Happen In A Doctor Who Movie

2. The Ends Justifies The Means

The Doctor and his companion find themselves faced with the ability to change one thing in all of time and space and the Doctor decides to make the Time War never happen. He finds that this change made him destroy the Daleks at their inception as the Fourth Doctor and the universe is a markedly better place because of it. He realises that he made the wrong decision before and begins to believe what the Doctor should never believe, that the end justifies the means. He goes back to Gallifrey and they make him Lord President as his reward. He accepts to gain the power to alter fixed points and subsequently starts changing things. He wipes out Cyber legions, kills the Master as a child, abolishes Torchwood by disposing of Queen Victoria before the events of Tooth and Claw and generally puts a message out to the universe that righteous justice is coming for those that defy the power of goodness. The companion, meanwhile, is becoming steadily more and more horrified by what the Doctor is becoming and retrieves his previous incarnations from the Matrix to convince President Doctor, Lord of Time to revert things back to the way they were. This kind of story was teased in The Waters of Mars as viewers were given a glimpse of the Doctor becoming corrupted by his power. Ideally, the previous series finale would provide the Doctor with his initial ability to change one thing in the universe and the movie would be solely about his fall from grace. Seeing the Doctor's companion, often relegated to doing as they're told, fighting back against the Doctor's bad decisions would be a dynamic worth the price of the admission fee in itself. What's more, a tale about how light and dark must remain balanced would be something Doctor Who would excel at. Stories like these come along so rarely and seeing one conveyed on this scale would be incredibly entertaining.
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Matthew Quayle was born in 1994 in Queensland, Australia. He mostly spends his time watching TV, playing games and being opinionated. Now that he has a job writing at What Culture, he's getting paid to do it too.