10 Things That Make No Sense In Doctor Who

8. Amy's Nonsensical Metaphor (Day Of The Moon)

Doctor Who The Angels Take Manhattan Rory Statue Of Liberty

Rory Pond spent a lot of his time in the TARDIS wondering if his wife actually loved him, or whether she was more interested in the dashing Eleventh Doctor. His fears were kinda understandable, considering that she did try to kiss him at their wedding.

Amy also liked to toy with Rory's emotions by using ridiculous metaphors that made Rory think she was head-over-heels for the Doctor, rather than for him.

Case in point: Day Of The Moon. When Amy is kidnapped, Rory can only hear her voice, which leads to a moment where she declares her love for an unnamed "him", and strongly implies that this individual is the Eleventh Doctor:

"I love you. I know you think it's him. I know you think it ought to be him, but it's not. It's you. And when I see you again, I'm going to tell you properly, just to see your stupid face. My life was so boring before you just dropped out of the sky. So just get your stupid face where I can see it, okay?"

However, we later learn that Amy is actually talking about Rory here. Writer Steven Moffat was intending to create some ambiguity about who Amy loved, which is fine, but it's frankly rather stupid that he couldn't think of a better way to do it than "dropped out of the sky", a phrase that in no way, shape, or form applies to Rory.

It's an uncharacteristically nonsensical piece of dialogue from one of Doctor Who's very best writers.

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