10 Things That Make No Sense In Doctor Who

7. Nobody Mentions Miracle Day (Doctor Who: Series 6)

Doctor Who The Angels Take Manhattan Rory Statue Of Liberty

Russell T Davies created a cinematic universe before cinematic universes were cool, with the triple-header of Doctor Who, Torchwood, and The Sarah Jane Adventures all taking place within the same world, and often overlapping with each other.

However, this started to cause problems as Torchwood's scale became grander and grander, culminating in the fourth series revolving around a global, six month-long event - dubbed "Miracle Day" - wherein humans stopped dying.

This phenomenon affects the entire world, and again, it lasts for half a year. That's a wide reach, and a long, long time. And yet, it isn't so much as referenced - nor is any evidence of it seen - in Doctor Who or The Sarah Jane Adventures, despite several episodes of those shows taking place concurrently with Miracle Day.

It's even funnier when you consider the Silence's plan in Series 6 of Doctor Who is to shoot the Doctor dead in April 2011 - smack-bang in the middle of Miracle Day.

Doctor Who The Impossible Astronaut Eleventh Doctor's death

Sure, Miracle Day only affects humans, but the Silence couldn't know that for certain, so you'd think they'd be more hesitant about pressing ahead with their "kill the Doctor" scheme during this time.

Ultimately, the events of Miracle Day were way too big to not be mentioned. It might be the biggest crisis in human history, yet Amy and Rory don't tell the Doctor about it when they're sat on that beach drinking wine?

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.