10 Things That Make No Sense In Doctor Who

6. The Doctor Wanders Around Colchester For An Entire Day (The Lodger)

Doctor Who The Angels Take Manhattan Rory Statue Of Liberty

The Lodger opens with the Eleventh Doctor being thrown out of the TARDIS, which then dematerialises, leaving him behind.

A title card then pops up reading "One Day Later", and the Doctor shows up at Craig Owens' house, intending to lodge with him while solving an alien mystery.

It's an incredibly fun episode that's very easy to just put on and watch, which is probably why people don't bring up this huge, highly questionable plot detail right at the start of the episode: what does the Doctor do for an entire day after his TARDIS kicks him out? Does he just aimlessly wander around Colchester?!

Sure, he needed to track down the disturbance that caused the TARDIS to go haywire, and find some money to give to Craig, but come on, this is the Doctor: even without his TARDIS, those two tasks should've taken a couple of hours, tops.

It's obviously not a plot hole, but there's basically a day-long gap here that's completely glossed over. Big Finish, help us!

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.