10 Things That Must NEVER Happen In Doctor Who

9. Enter The Doctorverse

Doctor Who Matt Smith Eleventh Doctor America
BBC Studios

Doctor Who is now part of the Walt Disney Corporation, which loves mining an intellectual property for all it's worth. David Tennant's Fourteenth Doctor may be having lunch in his garden, but that doesn't mean he won't answer the call from Mickey Mouse a few years down the line.

On top of that, bi-generation has apparently created a Doctorverse, where all the old Doctors also bi-generated and can continue to have adventures. The risk here is that the show could start to get way too complicated for its own good – even more than it arguably already is!

Doctor Who The Giggle bi-generation
BBC Studios

The idea of a Doctor multiverse where every regeneration is a bi-generation and past Doctors grow old in a separate timeline while also giving way to their successors in another timeline... anyone got any paracetamol? It's enough to cause a headache just thinking about it.

Not only will getting too Doctory-Woctory risk alienating casual viewers (even the mighty MCU wasn't immune to the effects of its convoluted Multiverse Saga) but going too far into the Doctorverse will destroy the finality and the power of regeneration.

By all means, find those pockets of time to have new adventures with past Doctors. Eleven's centuries on Trenzalore, for example. But isn't it nice knowing that Sylvester McCoy didn't wake up in the drawer of a San Francisco morgue?

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.