10 Things That Must NEVER Happen In Doctor Who

6. The Doctor And The Master Being Related

Doctor Who Matt Smith Eleventh Doctor America
BBC Studios

The hero's evil brother is one of film and television's most tiresome and overused cliches. Spock has an evil brother, Thor has an evil brother, and Steven Moffat even gave Sherlock Holmes an evil sister!

While Doctor Who hasn't joined in with the likes of Marvel and Sherlock, it's not for a lack of trying. If Roger Delgado hadn't tragically died, Jon Pertwee's final story would've revealed that, if not brothers, that the Doctor and the Master were two sides of the same coin.

A decade later, Planet of Fire teased that Peter Davison's Fifth Doctor and Anthony Ainley's Master could be brothers, and a decade after that, an early draft of the 1996 TV Movie revealed that the Doctor and the Master were brothers seeking their missing father Ulysses. Russell T Davies scoffed at this siblings idea in The Sound of Drums, but he didn't definitively dismiss the prospect either.

This wiggle room could easily be exploited by a future Doctor Who showrunner, but that would be a terrible idea.

The Doctor and the Master's relationship is far more compelling if they remain frenemies. Two Time Lords disagreeing over how best to use their gifts will always be more interesting, and more Doctor Who-ey, than two boring old dysfunctional brothers.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.