10 Things That Must NEVER Happen In Doctor Who

5. Retirement Of The Daleks

Doctor Who Matt Smith Eleventh Doctor America

As much as we gripe about them being overused, none of us want to see the Daleks retired forever, do we? If it wasn't for the Daleks, we wouldn't have Doctor Who as we know it now, so impactful was their first appearance back in 1963.

In many ways, the Daleks are more famous than any of the actors who've played the Doctor over the past 61 years. They had their own movie franchise in the 1960s, with their names adorning the posters instead of the Doctor's.

More recently, they've starred alongside pop-culture icons like Daffy Duck and Batman in Looney Tunes: Back in Action and The Lego Batman Movie, respectively.

Quite simply, Doctor Who needs the Daleks. Try to imagine the show without them for a second. Go on, we'll wait. Not possible, is it? They're a good way to keep casual viewers interested, which is one of the reasons why the BBC worked so hard to make a deal with the Terry Nation estate back in 2005.

And not only that, but the Daleks represent everything the Doctor stands against – where the Doctor saves lives, the Daleks destroy them. Doctor Who will always need that core conflict at its heart, so exterminating the Daleks for good would be an insanely short-sighted move.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.