10 Things That Need To Happen If Torchwood Comes Back

8. All About That Base

Torchwood's big move to America also meant that they were unfortunately no longer working from the underground base which had up to that point served as the centerpiece of their extra terrestrial excursions. Not that it would be there waiting for them if they ever did return to Cardiff, however, seeing as it's been reduced to dust and ashes. Damn. Hidden under Cardiff's popular bay area (the water fountain is actually a secret entrance if you know which slab to stand on) and filled with otherworldly gadgets and gizmos galore, the Hub was where the team got up to all kinds of alien activity - and in Jack and Ianto's case, some not so alien - and fans considered it their second home until it was unforgivably blown to smithereens during the show's otherwise faultless third series, Children of Earth. If there's a future for Torchwood, surely establishing a new Hub somewhere - hopefully in Wales - is at the top of the agenda for Jack and Gwen? They can't work from hotel rooms and dished warehouses for the rest of their lives (although admittedly the latter must be a Godsend for the locations department) and how do they expect themselves to be taken seriously if they don't even have a proper leg to stand on? As of the end of Miracle Day, Torchwood is an organisation without any organisation and setting up a new base should be the show's top priority to restore it to its former glory.
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Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.