10 Things That Need To Happen If Torchwood Comes Back

5. Bring Back Ianto... Somehow

OK, so reinstating Ianto Jones as a member of this proposed Torchwood team would be a slightly more difficult task given the fact that he's dead and all. If Torchwood has taught us one thing over the years, though, it's that quite literally anything can - and will - happen. If the writers were serious enough about bringing him back then there's nothing stopping them from finding a way. It wouldn't even have to make sense, either. He's such a beloved character that most fans would accept it if he just simply woke up from a really long nap ("Sorry, just nodded off for 7 years...") but something tells us that would be somewhat jumping the shark, even by Torchwood's outlandish standards. Besides, the show already has a proven track record of resurrecting its deceased characters. Owen Harper's heart had hardly stopped beating before the team desperately brought him back with the help of the resurrection gauntlet and one of their colleagues, Suzie Costello, who was another victim of the elusive 'Risen Mitten', went on to wreak more havoc in her death than she did whilst she was alive. As such, there would definitely be some sort of storyline to justify Ianto's return. That's if Gareth David-Lloyd even wanted to reprise the role at all, of course, but let's just assume that he would.
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Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.